How Do You Slay Your Writing Career?

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  • March 8, 2021
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  • 16 min read


Knowing about being a successful writer is a kind of job that gold miners had back in the old days. Most of the writers don’t make a ton of money with their writing career. The writers who make a lot of money are the ones who sell many e-books and online courses that tell the people about how to, wait for it, make money with their writing.

How to Slay Your Writing Career

Today I will share some points for free on how to slay your writing career. Do sit back, read, and enjoy.

First of all, if you are stuck wondering about how to become a writer? You have come to the right place. You might have the publishing industry’s experience, might have thought that you’d give ghostwriting a ‘go,’ or even might have been curious about how to become a ghostwriter.

“A successful writer is a good listener at first, then a good writer.” Says Jon Reiner.

Listening Carefully

Listening carefully to the client may converse well and would tremendously hone your writing skills. When you start your conversation with the clients, they would definitely provide you much more knowledge and experience in some things that you might not know about.

One of the things that the expert writers say is to “write on what you love.” This sure is a good idea. Suppose you are a fan of the red, blue, and white butterflies with the Occident eyes. Do fill up all of your blog posts with what you can think of with full care, feeding, breeding, about these rare kinds of beasts with two gossamer wings.

Failing To Find New Ideas

Failing to find new ideas is a common thing, so if you ever run out of ideas, then bring your grand idea on the road. Start sending out your query letters and pitches. Be confident to say to every editor that you can easily find out about the red, blue, and white butterfly with the Occidental Eyes.

Freelance Writing Experience

Building yourself a writing career requires a lot of hard work. To lay your foundation for freelance writing experience, you need to view the early phase of your career beginning as the “breaking period.”

However, if you have been writing all of your life, there are still somethings that you might not know and need to learn, like the structure, conceptualization, and the writing of a whole book. To do that, you will have to reason to the client, and if you set your rates a little lower than the much-experienced writers, your chances of getting hired may increase a lot.

When you start taking a job or two that might only pay you minimum wage, it becomes the smartest of the career investments when you are done through the process. If you have done a great job, you start to build yourself a portfolio that would make your worth in the clients’ sights. For the writers, the examples of your projects or the things you work on are basically everything.

Establishing Your Own Credibility

In the beginning, focus on establishing your own credibility. Then ask more for the service you provide. You will see that the demand for your work is increasing. If none of this is happening, then your break-even point should be the least you are willing to earn per hour, then you may have to lower your rates than you would like it to be. It is much better to stay working in this writing career than wait for the big projects to come to you and pay for your bills. Never forget that every job you work on is an addition to your experience and portfolio to master your craft.   

It is best if you don’t worry about the publishers tripping over to publish your work or throw some big money toward you.

Wasting time is to find out what good tools successful writers are using. They have a lot more time than you have. They waste it researching the trending topics, looking to stay updated with the latest technology when writing.

Producing Content

Please go ahead and select a specific genre for yourself; you would find that producing content now will take less time. This does not actually work for me, even though I do write on ghostwriting daily, but still, I am constantly researching to make sure that I am providing something with the latest information.

Yet, picking a genre would give you a lot of advantages. Most of this helps you build a client’s confidence in your ability to handle their project well. The genre you are going to select should be the one you already know somethings about. It should be the subject or area in which you want to be an expert. The articles build a door for opportunities to show your ability to write in a single genre. This can then open opportunities to other wiring jobs.

Different Kinds Of Styles Of Writing

To slay in a particular genre, you should verse in many different kinds of styles of writing. By also, learning about different genres might make you preferable by the clients over the other writers. Get some mild knowledge on the short essays, speeches, and article blogs. When driving on the road, you shouldn’t stay in one lane.

In the field of ghostwriting, you will get a lot of competition. You shall already get yourself a seat reserved. 

Your attributes can also be a step in the stairs to your success. Check for what could make your story much more appealing to the audience, make them fascinated? Adding elements should make you get a wider audience!

Once you are done doing these things. Look for some new attractive patterns that can entirely connect to your content and give your article a very different perspective. Your enthusiasm should be visible in your query letter. Writing is all about the risks you bear.

Being Passionate

Being passionate and committed to the article will take your career to a very different level. Till that time, you should keep writing and keep researching the new great ideas.

At the beginning of your career, just for the experience, don’t worry about your business side for some time. Write just for art without worrying about cold calling, marketing, and budgeting. Just by the experience or writing, you might get much exposure to the industry or this field.

Even if you are writing an article or a book for someone, never start the project without knowing that the person is serious about the project. On some of the jobs, the process is already fixed, and on some, the price is paid by the hour. The per-hour jobs are very importantly guaranteed, so you can start the work as soon as you are hired. The jobs with a fixed price are quite risky. Ask for the advance, and don’t deliver the finalized project until you have been paid.

Confidence In Your Work

While starting the process, make sure that the advance payment can be compared to the expertise you provide by showing them your portfolio. If you cannot show your clients your ability or skills, do offer them a trial job. This would help the client develop some confidence in your work and deliver the promised.

Even I am still working for my goal to get on the traditional track, though the level of my motivation isn’t as high as it was at the time I started. I found that the internet is a steady source for the writers to get some income.

You can prefer the writing contracts that can stipulate that your job will be of a fixed amount, say $2000. By calling this amount, your client may feel it too much. A way to appear a bit flexible is to agree on the “per hour” job for an hourly price. If you spend some less time than you expect, you will be charged less than $2000.

If you work over the expected hours, you will probably have to, and you will only bill for the actual hours. Then later, if you issue the credit for the extra hours on your final billing, your client would actually realize that the original contract agreement was fair. When you are up to write any of the following work for the same client, you may find that the negotiations much easier for the next time.

Very few of the writers who are not experienced will not offer their services with service agreements or contracts. Your contract is clearly for protecting you and your clients. Unfortunately, the writer’s contracts are not even negotiable.

When getting hired, make sure that you show the client the whole contract before any agreement. If you are not experienced with the contracts, it might be a good idea to make the client’s attorney look at the contract. Every year thousands of small claims and civil court lawsuits get filled over the contract disputes; you wouldn’t want yourself to be in that kind of a situation.

Writing Contracts

Most of the writing contracts are very simple, two-three pages for the typical contract stuff. You’ll find the obligatory, as well as some of the “hereinafter” sprinkled on the top of the contract for some good measures.

The writing contract should exactly spell out how and when the writer should be paid. For example, half of the price before starting the project and a quarter in the middle and a quarter in the end, or half at the beginning and the other half after the project. Make sure that these terms are specifically mentioned and that you can meet them.

It should also add the payment methods that the writer accepts—for example, only checks, or credit cards, or online transfers.

Because the writers are strictly on in the light, there should be a clause in the contract that addresses confidentiality, which shall also be referred to as the ‘non-disclosure” clause.

The due date is essential to be in the contract, for which the writer agrees to complete their work. This makes the writer workup for the completion of the project before they reach the due date. 

Don’t worry too much about sending out the query letter and the pitches to the clients. Also, being rejected by some clients is kind of a normal thing in this sector, but the thing is that you shouldn’t wait for the clients to come to you for their projects. After all, you are to write to them.

Be grateful for the small jobs that you get. They give you opportunities for the bigger ones, and they are just the step of your stairs.

When you know about it, you’ll know that the writing business is quite a lucrative one. To become a well-paid writer, you need to have a lot of experience as a writer.

Dealing With the Clients

Even when the economy is unstable, there is always a space for writers, as they would so many different reasons and topics to write. When you understand how all this is to be handled, dealing with the clients will get a lot easier.

The quality of work is the main reason a person or a company would hire a writer, and the name is not important.

A voice of your own would make you different from the other. Your audience will know you from the style of your writing. Writers’ own voice can get them to gain a huge amount of loyal audience. You need to know how you put your words in and how you look at the outside world.

The only way to be good at this is by forcing yourself to write against your own personal voice; for example, try and mimic some famous authors’ voices. When you are writing a book for someone, there’s a good chance of the readers knowing the voice already that who’s voice is it.   

Vast Vocabulary

Having a vast vocabulary can make your choice of words for the sentences you create. The outline is for the audience’s attention, and if you create a good outline, it might get some readers’ attention. The outline should be expressive; it should let the readers know what they will read in the article. It should also not tell them everything about the article so that they don’t even think to read the whole article.

Build a flow for the writing. Take the paragraphs very seriously; paragraphs make the foundation of your content. Every line of the article is based on the main subject of the article. Every paragraph shall have its own logic, which has to make more logic than the previous one.

Even if you feel to use some of the long words, a good intellect will make the complex much easier.

While starting to write an article, you should estimate the duration of the project beforehand. Basically, this is determined by the project’s length; the short essays don’t take much time to be completed, while books might almost take a week.

Estimating accurate time is a pretty crucial skill in the management of the project. You will hardly know how much time would be spent on one article. So it would be best if you didn’t commit to your customers about the time.

When you are working on some projects where the article’s subject is slightly familiar to you, the research process may take less time. Sometimes, being too familiar with the context makes it too hard to think about what particular part you exclude from the article.

Acting Like a Professional

Start acting like a professional; imagine if you are at a gathering and someone asks you what you do for a living? You will definitely tell them that you are a writer. Then suddenly they get interested, because they wanted a writer for their recent project, and they ask you to show up some of your work. Of course, you were not ready for this question. There is only one simple solution to overcome this problem is that: you create a professional website with an official email and a phone number to contact you. Get yourself some business cards, make a LinkedIn profile, keep it updated. Confidently start introducing yourself as a professional writer to anyone you meet.

Keep your foot ahead from the others, get yourself contributed in some known publications or some literary magazines.

Reach Out to Companies

Reach out to companies to offer them to write articles for them. If fiction or non-fiction, the ghostwriter should have some impeccable storytelling. Getting published would be an excellent addition to your portfolio.

When it is said to building your credentials, add every one of your completed jobs in the portfolio. That could be either your website or a site such as an oDesk, or a Vworker. Let the clients have confidence in your work.

In any career, the best thing is to learn about it as much as possible. On the writing career side, it is best for you to research everything about writing, pricing, administrative tasks, the contracts, and help the clients create some interesting outlines.

For the creative side, it is essential for you to start reading books and watching movies. The more you consume these two things, especially of the genre you want to be an expert in writing career, the better it would make you in the writing department. When you are doing your work on an opening scene for a client, you need to be able to visualize it as watching a movie. Then print the whole movie of your mind onto the paper. That means that you have to pay attention to the words you will choose and make sure that you create the correct setting. That includes the physical surrounding, the location, the clothing, body language, the tone of the voice, the emotions, the internal thoughts that the character has at the time.

Being a Successful Writer

Being a successful writer is, for all, being patient, determined, and persistent. With these good qualities, you will have everything to be at the top and slay your writing career.

All of this writing is a one-person show. You will have to own all sides of the business, and that includes customer support too in writing career.

Key Characteristics and Profound Details

Writing Dimension Insights and Advice Career Impact
Understanding Your Niche Focus on writing about subjects you are passionate about, like specific genres or topics. Builds expertise and attracts a dedicated audience in that niche.
The Art of Listening Listen to clients and audiences to understand their needs and preferences. Enhances writing relevance and audience engagement.
Idea Generation Explore different sources for new ideas, including personal interests and market trends. Keeps content fresh and appealing, avoiding creative stagnation.
Freelance Writing Foundations Start with lower rates and build a portfolio, focusing on gaining experience. Establishes credibility and paves the way for higher-paying opportunities.
Genre Specialization Choose a specific genre to specialize in, based on knowledge and interest. Positions you as an expert in a particular area, opening up specialized writing opportunities.
Diverse Writing Styles Learn various writing styles to adapt to different genres and client needs. Increases marketability and flexibility as a writer.
Building Professionalism Develop a professional presence with a website, portfolio, and clear communication. Enhances credibility and attracts serious clients and projects.

Successful Ghostwriters

in writing career “Be ready to educate your clients.” This is what any of the successful ghostwriters would tell you, who also will tell you to “respect the voice” is too crucial for ghostwriting. One of the most common issues that you will face from the clients will be unrealistic expectations, especially regarding the voices. The clients don’t ever understand that a writer cannot nails someone else’s voice in the first go, and they even shouldn’t be expected to do this. Ensure that your communication with your client is done before the project so that they are already as prepared for the process as possible.

Doing the self-publishing process is an increasingly viable decision for the authors, so if you can do the writing, you should also advise the publishing to them. Still, there are also various options available in the market, and yet if you offer them the publishing, you are then going much higher in demand than just as a writer.

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