
Which Author Is Normally Responsible For Sharing Reprints Of A Publication With Readers (2)

Which Author Is Normally Responsible For Sharing Reprints Of A Publication With Readers?

You may have heard the terms “corresponding author” and “first author,” but you may not know what they mean. It is a common question, especially for researchers just starting, but it’s easy to answer: a corresponding author is responsible for submitting a manuscript for publication reprints, while the first author did the research and wrote

How To Become A Children's Book Author?

How To Become A Children’s Book Author?

Becoming a children’s book author can look easy, but it takes a lot of care and creativity to make Each page stand out. It could take hours of rewriting just one picture or sentence to get it right. So have patience as you rewrite, redraw, and reorganize your story. Let’s see how you can become

writing a book

5 Motivating Justifications for Writing a Book

There are many people who want to write a book but never get around to doing it. They may have a great idea for a book, but they lack the motivation to sit down and actually write it.Writing a book is a big undertaking, and it’s not something that should be taken lightly. But if

Biography Autobiography

Key Differences Between Biography & Autobiography

A biography is someone else’s account of the life of a person. An autobiography is a written account of a person’s life written by that person. Who tells the story is the main difference between a biography and an autobiography. Biographies are written about other people by other people, while autobiographies are written by the


NFTs: What are they, and Why Should Writers and Publishers Care?

Have you heard about NFT? Do you know how people spend dollars to get (non-fungible tokens) for months? Do you know the reality? NFTs are now part of the media and best book marketing services and publishing world, whether we like it or not. The people who sell books are getting into them. Time magazine

Biography Art & Literature

Why is Biography important to Art and Literature?

Biography is often considered a minor form of storytelling but has its place. Bios can uncover details about someone’s life that would otherwise remain unknown. They also allow us to see elements of their personality that might otherwise be hidden.      When we read biographies, we feel the lives of real people who lived before us.

Amazon publisher services

Amazon Publisher Services Complete Guide 2022

Relying on newspaper ads and TV ads to get businesses to flourish is now a thing of the past. Companies are turning to digital marketing with Amazon Publisher Services to achieve their business goals. This makes Amazon the third-largest digital advertising platform after Google and Facebook. Amazon has worked its way up from the ninth

the English roses

Which Musician Wrote the Children’s Picture Book “the English roses”?

The American singer and songwriter Madonna penned the story for a children’s picture book, English roses, published on September 15, 2003.  Five of Madonna’s children’s books have sold more than 500,000 copies in 50 countries. It was available to buy at bookstores around the country. Story Behind the Book: English roses’ story revolves around five

historical figures

Which of These Historical Figures Wrote a Romance Novel?

The love of writing is not only the present generation. With the passing of each decade, there have been numerous writers that wrote on many different genres. Today it is comparatively easy to write and publish a book. However, the same can not be said for someone who lived a hundred years ago. Publishing and

Romance Novel Book Covers

Romance Novel Book Covers For Your Inspiration

The mesmerizing romance novel covers There is nothing better than a good book on a cold evening with a warm cup of coffee to soothe your throat. The way you slowly find yourself slipping into the life of the character you are reading. Discover more about character creation in the best character template ever. Feeling

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