
What is Biography? The Art of Portraying Real-Life Stories

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  • image July 3, 2023
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  • image 8 min read

Biography is the art of portraying real-life stories of individuals in a written format, much like Autobiography vs Biography. It is a way of telling the story of a person’s life, struggles, achievements, and experiences. It has been an integral part of literature for centuries, providing readers with a glimpse into notable figures’ lives and ... [Read More]


What is a Memoir? Understanding the Genre and its Significance

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  • image July 1, 2023
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Introduction Some of the most famous types of books are autobiographies and biographies. To understand more about these genres, People often think it is an account or biography instead of what it is. But it is neither. It is a collection of pictures from the life of the author. In a biography or autobiography, events, ideas, ... [Read More]


Words to Live By Inspiring Book Quotes to Motivate Your Reading Journey

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  • image June 30, 2023
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Introduction Books can transport us to different worlds, expand our knowledge, and ignite our imagination. For more on this, explore 25 Short Poems About Life and Struggles for a poetic perspective. Within these literary treasures lie profound words that can motivate and inspire us. Book quotes, snippets of wisdom extracted from the pages, have become ... [Read More]


The Joy of Reading Long Books: A Guide to Epic Reads

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  • image June 23, 2023
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In a world that seems to value speed and efficiency above all else, the joy of slowly immersing oneself in a long book can often be overlooked. But for those who dare to embark on an epic journey between the pages, the rewards can be immeasurable. Reading is one of the finest ways to learn ... [Read More]

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