Goodwin Wallaker

Goodwin Wallaker is a skilled and multifaceted author, recognized for his outstanding work as a ghostwriter. His love for narrative crafting and his ability for engaging writing have allowed him to contribute to a wide array of projects. These include enthralling novels as well as intriguing articles and blog posts. In his role at Ghostwriting Founder, he persistently shapes the literary world with his significant contributions.

Books to Read If You Like Colleen Hoover

Can you believe it’s already been eleven years since Colleen Hoover first graced the world with Slammed? Since then, she’s written over a dozen novels and novellas, each of which has been met with critical acclaim. Her work has been called the best of YA by the New York Times and fresh by USA Today.

Red Rising Series Order: Two Techniques To Read In Sequence

Let’s talk about Red Rising—a fantastic YA Sci-Fi series that’s a bit like mixing The Hunger Games and Ender’s Game. Whether you’re just starting or a pro Howler curious about Book 6, we’ve got a list of all the Red Rising books for you. Red Rising feels like a mash-up of The Hunger Games and

Magic Tree House Book Series: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reading in Order

Have you or your children had the opportunity to follow the chronological sequence of the Magic Tree House books? This is one of the best children’s book writing, consistently receives high ratings and celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2022.

Get Spirited by Books About Magicians

There’s nothing like good magician tales when it comes to getting spirited. They’re a lot like ghosts and monsters—you might not believe they exist, but if they did, wouldn’t you want to be prepared? Although we can’t promise that these magician tales will prepare you for the day a magician shows up in your home,

Fantastical Books Like Wings of Fire

There are many books out there that are similar to Wings of Fire, but none that are quite like it. The way that Tui T. Sutherland makes such a fantastical world seem real and relatable is truly amazing. She also shows how important it is to be yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks, and how important it is to have other people you can rely on during hard times.

Books About Discipline (Must Read in 2023)

Discipline is a word that gets thrown around a lot. It describes everything from a child who doesn’t want to eat vegetables to a content creation solutions company’s rules for its employees. But what do we mean when we talk about discipline? And how can reading help us understand our definition of discipline?

Top 10 Mary Oliver Love Poems of All Time

Mary Oliver is a beloved American poet whose work is known for its ability to capture the essence of nature, human connection, and love. Her writing is often autobiographical, drawing from the lessons she has learned in her own life—particularly about love.

The Librarian of Burned Books | Real History

Throughout history, burning books has been a destructive force, seeking to erase ideas, suppress dissent, and silence voices. However, amidst these flames of censorship, a quiet yet powerful group emerged—the librarians of burned books. Their dedication to safeguarding knowledge in the face of adversity is a testament to the human intellect’s resilience and the enduring

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