Marketing Writing

Pinterest for Bloggers: How to Use Pinterest for Blogging

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  • image July 23, 2023
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  • image 7 min read

Pinterest is more than just another social networking site; it’s a visual search engine that helps you find and bookmark ideas across many categories. With more than 450 million daily users all over the world. Pinterest for blogging is a great way for bloggers to showcase their work and attract new viewers. The unique way ... [Read More]


Book Marketing Strategies That Will Generate More Sales for You

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  • image January 14, 2022
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  • image 8 min read

Book marketing raises awareness of a particular book among retailers and readers. Of course, the purpose of marketing is to increase book sales. What is the Significance of Marketing Book Book marketers provide marketing strategies to help your book get visibility in the literary community. It expands your circle of influence. As a result, there’s ... [Read More]

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